Friday, November 26, 2010

As Mr. McCarthy said this is probably the most anticipated blog "of the quarter" or whatever... Everyone is going to be reading each others blogs to see if they got picked. We all know everyone will choose who they're friends with. 
Truthfully, I have to be honest. Because I missed the first two\three weeks of school I haven't met all my classmates in all my classes, but I am starting to know everyone in this unique 3rd period class. I'd say I'm thankful for my sister. Rose. My twin. I know I told Mr. McCarthy I wouldn't write about her but I can't be as much thankful for anyone else in the class because first of all, I don't live with them. Nah. But before I came to school she helped me a lot in getting prepared for his class. Considering all I went through, she was really (no actually) looking after me.
When I first went to class I was quite nervous. I was expecting Mr. McCarthy to throw out tons of essays and poems for me to catch up with, considering all the complaints I got from my sister... But he was actually 2 out of the 6 teachers that didn't give me a hard time. I'm thankful for that.
Although after being in his class for about 2 months or so (???) I'm very thankful to be in Mr. McCarthy's class and very thankful for the rest of the people in my class. Everyday I get a good laugh and no worries (but maybe about this HSG book...)
Wait... After thinking about it I really like my 3rd period class. They make everyone laugh and make my mood not so sucky. I'm thankful for a lot of the people surrounded by me, since they have other classes with me. Thanks for saving my life 50x.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am (definitely) a plow

A plow is either a noun or a verb.
·         (n) plow, plough (a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing)
·         (v) plow, plough, turn (to break and turn over earth especially with a plow) "Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week”

Why haven’t I used this to describe myself? Ever? I’m just realizing this is so me. THIS WORD is so everybody!!!! Every day of our lives we work work work! After working so much our result is either negative or positive. When I go to school I smash through all the hardcore classes and then I make my teacher pleased or un-pleased. When we “plows” are over worked we break down and get broken. Sometimes we get fixed and repaired like we normally should, but others just… Don’t get fixed at all. Why I’m I acting so serious? I don’t know. I believe everyone who responds to this blog will refer this plow as a symbolism of working in school and life….
Don’t you also notice plows are made every year? (Duh for farmers… What a lame way to start a new paragraph) But they aren’t necessarily made the same why. We are always built and made to achieve high expectations and we are constantly used. We need someone to create us and “teach” us how to work. We plow through different types of fields and obstacles. There usually a piece of cake but some are hard to restore...  

Friday, November 12, 2010

Whacha think about American Lit?

    You ask how’s American Lit for ya? I actually like this class. I really enjoyed Survey Lit during freshmen year and this year I think I’m going to enjoy this class. It’s ironic how both my teachers are coaches on a sport team at Whitney Young (baseball~ and soccer~).
    First of all, the first day of American Lit for me was very calm. I didn’t expect it to be so…. Not hard? Because I wasn’t in school for 3 weeks I was just watching my sister doing Mr. McCarthy’s homework and I was like, wow seems difficult. But thank goodness I came at the right time. I came right when we started the Crucible. That’s one thing I like about the class. Reading very interesting books (maybe not the HTSG). I normally don’t have time to read my own books so reading in class helps my "Reading Skills". (I really enjoyed watching the Crucible movie which helped me and some of us understand more of the story line). I also really like these blogs. Not only do I get to create my own blogs I get to read other peoples thoughts and opinions as well. Although I don't have the best writing skills, this is good practice.
     Secondly, I like my class as a whole. I like the people in it and I also enjoy having Mr. McCarthy as a teacher.
     "Mr. McCarthy!!?"
     "I am."
I feel like my American Lit class has a different atmosphere than any of my other classes. Everyone is really expressive and chilled back. I never really see anyone sleeping in his class either. I can't say this class is perfect but I do have a problem with note taking and then the tests. I've taken one test but it was quite hard. I just hope the way we are note taking and answering questions, is good enough for us when we take those exams or tests.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My SLA-VERY opinion

My opinion on slavery? You know I always had to study about slavery in Social Studies or World History and I'm actually reading about it now... But my opinion on slavery? I never really had to answer to what I believed was good or bad about it (or my opinion). Of course everyone should say slavery is wrong right? Isn't it cruel that actual human beings are being treated like property where you can be BOUGHT or SOLD and not allowed to run away or escape. Aren't you born to be free? Not under control of a person of higher status or level? All people should believe slavery is wrong, I agree. Of course slavery was good for some slaves depending if your slave owners were kind enough to treat you well and give you an education but still... Even though slavery existed hundreds of years ago, it still existed today. Thankfully it's not as horrifying than before. Slavery still goes on in many countries like Asia and Africa but often consists of women or children sold into slavery as domestic servants or for prostitution.
My last thing to say is I really hate any sort of cruelty especially when someone or something is being treated like an animal or dust. 

        I guess that's it.