Sunday, February 20, 2011


What is propaganda? 
PROPAGANDA = "must read information" 

Propaganda is the manipulation of public opinion. It is information, ideas or rumors deliberately spread through media that may harm a person, group, movement, or nation. Although it has a negative connotation, it is used as an attempt to shift opinions persuasively by presenting new ones. There are good and bad propagandists. All propagandists use varieties of techniques in order to express their issue or subject. But remember it is important for the reader to understand these methods and understand the purpose of the propaganda before being biased. Think twice before you click on that online article or People magazine.  
    There is no correct meaning for propaganda but it has been debated. In my opinion I believe propaganda is a bad thing. My mother warns me not to pay attention to such garbage, but I do find People magazines and E! news quite entertaining. I have not been exposed to "good" propaganda recently or ever so if anyone could tell me where I could find it that would be great. I guess you can say our school's Beacon is a good propaganda. I have discovered juicy rumors about CPS especially on Facebook. <<<< check out that
tsk tsk. Bad stuff

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