Friday, October 29, 2010

To combine would be divine~

As we were told to, I researched about 20+++++ minutes on Salem, the Puritans, and the actual House of the Seven Gables and Nathaniel Hawthrone. So this here is what I have sucked in:
     The first thing you get when you type "Facts about Salem" on Google is facts about Salem Witch-Craft. You basically find witch-craft on every single website you click on. Salem, Massachusetts was where alllll the quote on quote witches were hiding. Salem was best known for it's many witch trials. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county court trials to prosecute people accused of witchcraft. Salem also has historic sites such as the House of the Seven Gables, also known as the Turner-Ingersoll Mansion. the house is an actual house built in 1668 that inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne to write his book The House of the Seven Gables. How ironic?! Salem was an important port in the trade with East India, and shipping merchants built lavish mansions in town. You may ask: "What is a Puritan?" Well, Puritans were a significant grouping of English-speaking Protestants in the 16th and 17th-century who were also big believers during the witch craft trials. They performed many exorisms during that time.
Hope you learned a lot!


Friday, October 22, 2010

When did I first realize I was a TRUE American?

This is probably one of the easiest blogs to answer... It truly is.
I knew I was a true American when I rejected learning Tagalog when I was a kid. That's what all Filipino Americans would say. I am now almost 16 years old and I still need my younger cousins to translate when I’m lost in a conversation of Tagalog, my native tongue.
Well of course I don't remember REJECTING all the Tagalog books my Lola (grandmother) sent me or refusing to listen to my parents when they wanted to teach me Tagalog, but Filipino's born in America tend to not learn Tagalog. Plus my sister and I were stubborn. We understand some Tagalog but can’t speak a lot of it. We know the basics. Growing up I did learn the naughty words first (of course). Like stinky, ugly, and such, but of course I do address my relatives as Kuya (older brother), Lolo (grandfather), Lola (grandmother), Tito (uncle), Tita (aunt), and so on.
When I meet Filipinos that come from the Philippines and they do speak Tagalog, the question comes up. "Hey, do you speak Tagalog" and I reply "no". Each time I say no, I act as if I know a lot. But once I open my mouth and tryyy to say something in Tagalog my accent defines ----

a true American Filipino.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

~A Stairway to DEATH~

       What drives a conflict with no solution to death? When you think of a conflict you think of an argument with a person and another person. Usually when a conflict is unsolvable you normally have a mediator or several mediators to help you out and solve the problem. There’s never a situation where a conflict gets too out of hand and someone has to die. WRONG. In some cases, like in the Crucible the conflict may be a lot bigger. The conflict in the Crucible was between the witchcraft in Salem and Abigail’s affair with Proctor. It was so unfixable it led to innocent people being executed and in the end, led to John Proctors death. WHAT? That’s what you normally think in the end of every story with that kind of ending. Sometimes the resolutions to conflicts may lead to death and make people relieved and the problem is solved, or people may feel devastated and the problem still lingers on. Death of people brings out many emotions. When conflicts involve death, it’s not like a candy bar you decide to throw out just because you have to lose 5 pounds by the end of the week. There are situations where a person has to be killed because they are harming other people. But there are also times where a person has to be killed for what’s “best” of them and the people he\she is affecting. In my opinion, conflicts to death is very hard to think about. There are many things that can drive conflicts to death but I just believe the best thing to do is try to solve the conflict as smooth and easy as possible. (That's normally what people would say but an opinion on conflicts to death is too hard to explain.)